Open from Within – Yoga for Christmas with Francesca

Sunday 7th of December 2014- 10.30 am to 12.30 pmA special yoga practice with Francesca where we will explore the subtle qualities of chest opening postures - leading to Ustrasana (Camel posture - in the picture) and Urdhva Dhanurasana (Full Wheel posture). Suitable for all, a non competitive and very mindful journey to open up […]

Shiva Shakti Yoga Day with Francesca and Andrew

Sunday 22nd of February 2015 from 10.30 to 16:00  (lunch break between morning and afternoon session) Join us upon our return from our intense retreat and travels in India for an exploration of Classical and Authentic Yoga practices. We follow our heart in this inspired and creative Yoga day where we will explore Shakti principles […]

Surya-Chandra Yoga With Andrew and Francesca in Whittle-le-Woods

Join us on Sunday 22nd of March 2015 from 10 to 4 pm for a Special Equinox themed yoga day in lovely Whittle-le-Woods, near Chorley.SURYA NAMASKAR (SUN SALUTATION) and YIN YOGA with Francesca from 10.30 to 12.45 Enjoy a revitalising practice, bringing the physical and emotional body into balance. Yin Yoga will stimulate the joints and the […]

Yoga workshop with Gill Slater – Open Yoga

Saturday March 28th 20152pm - 4pm Unravelling the Belly A chance to spend some time using your yoga practice, your breath and, maybe even your intuition to soothe away some of the tension, stress and dis-ease that we all hold in our bellies. In my massage work I am aware of how negative many of […]

Kirtan with Bhavana – Narayani and Mat Baker

Friday 8th of May 20157 - 9pm Take a journey through sound and mantra... Bhavana’s kirtans, like their own voices and music, are dynamic and colourful, serving up a full range of chants,  easy to follow and join in, for a powerful experience that takes you to the essential stillness inside. Tickets and more information: Phone Andrew and Francesca on 07909 144 414 email: […]

2015 Yoga Retreat at Samye Ling Buddhist Monastery

Yoga retreat at Pureland Retreat Centre - Samye Ling Buddhist Monastery. From Saturday 6th to 13th of June 2015. Experience serenity, calm and restoration with Andrew's annual Yoga retreat set in the grounds of  the oldest Buddhist Monastery in Europe. This retreat has been run successfully for about 9 years, and this year extended to a […]

Self Hosted Audio

Etiam leo sapien, rutrum id vestibulum vitae, tempor eu eros. Fusce mollis tellus id tortor tempus cursus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum efficitur egestas ultrices. Fusce sollicitudin leo sit amet sem pellentesque, volutpat efficitur lectus tristique. Pellentesque rhoncus suscipit eros, ut cursus nisl luctus vel. Integer […]

Audio – Praesent rhoncus eget

Suspendisse fringilla, dolor non faucibus venenatis, neque erat pellentesque dui, et gravida dolor enim id ex. Nam eget ipsum neque. Duis pretium, nibh vel pulvinar eleifend, mi ex dignissim augue, non efficitur massa mi vitae nisi. Phasellus vulputate tellus eget interdum sollicitudin. Aliquam interdum augue in tristique varius. Morbi ut laoreet lorem, a cursus tellus. […]

Self Hosted Video

Vivamus aliquet est ex, dignissim rutrum lectus volutpat vitae. Quisque molestie convallis nulla. Mauris quis iaculis sem. Sed ut aliquam leo. Nulla ut quam lacus. Curabitur commodo quam sed lorem vestibulum vehicula. Proin id ligula nec eros porttitor elementum in at odio. Suspendisse lobortis vitae dolor eu mattis. Integer ultricies diam quis ex posuere, eget […]

Youtube – Maecenas finibus eros ut

Aliquam imperdiet turpis nec lacus euismod egestas. Nullam ultricies tellus a erat rutrum porttitor. Ut semper dignissim turpis, at scelerisque turpis pharetra at. Vivamus porta blandit arcu in dictum. Duis gravida magna nisl, ut sollicitudin leo lobortis in. Suspendisse tempor ligula massa, eu finibus mauris gravida tristique. Sed iaculis ultrices diam sed finibus. Etiam non […]