Surya-Chandra Yoga With Andrew and Francesca in Whittle-le-Woods

Join us on Sunday 22nd of March 2015 from 10 to 4 pm for a Special Equinox themed yoga day in lovely Whittle-le-Woods, near Chorley.
SURYA NAMASKAR (SUN SALUTATION) and YIN YOGA with Francesca from 10.30 to 12.45
Enjoy a revitalising practice, bringing the physical and emotional body into balance. Yin Yoga will stimulate the joints and the bones whilst Sun Salutations will energise the muscular system in a powerful blend of action and stillness.
The practice includes chanting the traditional Sun mantras in a dynamic and uplifting sequence, connecting with the body in a moving meditation.
CHANDRA NAMASKAR (MOON SALUTATION) and Inverted Postures with Andrew from 13.45 to 16.00
Andrew will guide you through the Moon sequence. The pacifying nature of the session is ideal to set the mind and the body for being “upside down”.
The class will guide you to experience yourself and your world from a different perspective, working gently on releasing fear and anxiety that are commonly associated with being “upside down”, and embracing the countless benefits coming from an inverted practice.
Please contact Feel Now Yoga for bookings and more information.
Sunday @ 10:00 am - 10:00 am
- Start:
22nd March @ 10:00 am- End:
22nd March @ 10:00 am- Event Category