Chill Out Yoga on Sunday – special January treat.

Sunday 8th of January 2017 from 5.30 to 7.30 pm – with Francesca
Yoga to brighten up the darkest time of the year! After the wonderfully busy Chistmas time, dedicate 2 full hours to yourself in this Sunday night treat where we will reflect, recharge and relax deeply.
We are blessed with a truly quiet (no traffic blaring outside our window!) and beautiful space conducive to peace and tranquillity… People often comment on how smooth these sessions are, and how magically they lose any awareness of time. Our studio is fully equipped with props like bolsters, blankets, blocks, bricks, chairs, balls and anything you need to make your experience even more relaxing…
This January Sunday special will begin with Somatic Movements to fine tune in with our body, mind and soul – moving onto some Restorative postures (to rebalance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems) and completing the practice with Pranayama, Mudra (hand gestures), Mantra (simple chating) a short Meditation and final Relaxation. The perfect end to the weekend to restore your energies, and an amazing way to get your practice going again in January.
Restorative postures are truly comfortable simple seated postures, where the body rests over props like bolsters, blocks and blankets. The quiet environment and beautiful setting is perfect for enhancing relaxation and wellbeing…
Pranayama is the actual essence of Yoga. Very simple breathing techniques to focus and calm the mind, and to recharge the body’s vital energy. It is said that Prana (vital energy) dissipates through an overactive lifestyle, so this is the perfect way to replenish your deep resources!
Drop in rate: £16
Special price for Pure Yoga members:
10 class pass holders: £ 9 plus a stamp on their card
Unlimited pass holders – £ 14
Please contact us for more information and for booking. Phone 07909 144 414 – email [email protected]
Sunday @ 4:06 pm - 4:06 pm
- Start:
8th January @ 4:06 pm- End:
8th January @ 4:06 pm- Event Category